Legislacion CBD

Medicinal THC and CBD for export only

THC y CBD medicinal solo para exportar
The AEMPS gives licenses for medical cannabis of THC and CBD only for export to other countries while in Spain it is illegal and they do not accept medical uses of cannabis.

In Spain no cannabis-based medicines are authorized because the agency of medicine and health products does not recognize the medical use of cannabis, however knowing that in many countries such as Portugal, Italy or Germany if it is legal to use these products as drugs agree to the authorization of medical THC and CBD crops for export to these countries while in Spain the law of medical cannabis approved by PSOE and we can remain in a broken sack.

As licenses are granted to the production of medicines: in Spain there is only one company that can grow medical cannabis, called LINNEO HEALTH, S.L. currently chaired by the Abello family, who a few years ago sold the legal opium production of about 20-25% of world production to invest in cannabis, opioid license given by Franco to his friend Abello. This family has close ties with politicians like Aznar among others. The license has to be renewed year after year, however, due to the opacity of the requirements, whoever tries to obtain it is left without desire or money to continue solving the puzzle of the requirements to access this license, which changes year after year.

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