Cannabis Seed Oil VS CBD Oil. The Great Deception in Stores Like Amazon and the Different Types of Use

Aceite de semillas de cannabis VS aceite de CBD. El gran engaño en tiendas como Amazon y los distintos tipos de uso

Cannabis Seed Oil VS CBD Oil. The Great Deception in Stores Like Amazon and the Different Types of Use


In the vast world of essential oils and supplements,  cannabis seed oil and  CBD oil are two products that have generated much confusion. Although both come from the same plant, their properties and uses are radically different. This article breaks down the key differences, demystifying myths and providing clear and concise information.

Main Differences


The  cannabis seed oil is extracted by pressing the seeds of the cannabis plant, while  CBD oil is extracted from the flowers, leaves, and stems of the plant.


Cannabis seed oil does not contain CBD or THC, the active compounds found in cannabis. On the other hand, CBD oil contains significant amounts of CBD, and may contain small amounts of THC.

The Deception in Stores Like Amazon

Many sellers on platforms like Amazon market cannabis seed oil as if it were CBD oil, taking advantage of consumers' lack of knowledge. It is crucial to be well informed to not fall for these types of deceptions.

Uses of Cannabis Seed Oil and CBD Oil

Cannabis Seed Oil

  • Nutrition: Rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Skin Care: Moisturizing and anti-inflammatory.


  • Pain Relief: Powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
  • Anxiety and Depression: Helps reduce symptoms.
  • Sleep Health: Improves sleep quality.


It is essential to differentiate between cannabis seed oil and CBD oil to make an informed and appropriate choice according to individual needs. Clarity in this distinction is also crucial to not fall into deceptions and misunderstandings in the current market.

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